Stressful Life Events: Your Move May Be One of Them
Moving along with several other life events can produce stress. There is good stress and bad stress. Here’s a little test to see just how stressed you may or may not be. The relative stressfulness of each event is indicated by the number on the left. The most stressful life event was assigned a value of 100, and other events were assigned lower values in proportion to their effects on stress. Divorce, for example, caused stress in 73% as many individuals that experience this event as was true for the death of a spouse. Notice that change is a common factor in many of these events, often in either direction (e.g., marriage as well as divorce).
To calculate an index of the amount of stress in your life, list all the life events from this table that have affected you in the last year and add up their total scores. Persons with higher scores are much more prone to experiencing major illness or other stress-related conditions in the coming year.
100 Death of spouse
73 Divorce
65 Marital separation
63 Jail term
63 Death of close family member (except spouse)
53 Major personal injury or illness
50 Marriage
47 Being fired from work
45 Marital reconciliation
45 Retirement
44 Change in health of family member (not self)
40 Pregnancy
39 Sex difficulties
39 Gain of new family member
39 Business readjustment
38 Change in financial state
37 Death of close friend
36 Change to different occupation
35 Change in number of arguments with spouse
31 Mortgage over $40,000
30 Foreclosure of mortgage or loan
29 Change in responsibilities at work
29 Son or daughter leaving home
29 Trouble with in-laws
28 Outstanding personal achievement
26 Spouse begins or stops work
26 Begin or end school
25 Change in living conditions
24 Change in personal habits (self or family)
23 Trouble with boss
20 Change in work hours or conditions
20 Change in residence
20 Change in schools
19 Change in recreation
19 Change in church activities
18 Change in social activities
17 Mortgage or loan less than $40,000
16 Change in sleeping habits
15 Change in number of family get-togethers
13 Change in eating habits
13 Vacation
12 Christmas
11 Minor violations of the law
We have all experienced and continue to experience stress on varying levels. Moving is one of the biggest stressors which is why selecting a Realtor who understands your needs and who is skilled at creating smooth transactions is vastly important. Make sure you choose someone who will ease your burden whether your home move is due to a job relocation, divorce, short sale, probate, etc.
Disclaimer-All information contained herein is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. You are advised to consult a reputable attorney for all legal advice or a reputable tax advisor.