Corona California

Corona CA

Located 45 miles southeast, the City of Corona is appropriately named, “The Circle City.”  While the city of Corona covers 39.2 square miles, the Circle City makes it easy to get around town. The City of Corona was incorporated and named Corona on July 13,1896. It was initially named South Riverside by its founders.

Up until 1982, citrus fruit was the mainstay of Corona’s labor force and contributed significantly to the city’s economic growth through 1961.

The hot waters of the Temescal Canyon were used by the local Luiseno Indians. Residents and visitors of Corona can still take advantage of the natural hot water springs by visiting Glen Ivy Resort.

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Fun Facts About Corona CA

Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball had a ranch located in South Corona and played golf at Cresta Verde golf course. Desi Arnaz continued to live in Corona after his divorce from Lucille Ball.