Fontana California

Fontana CA

The city of Fontana was incorporated on June 25, 1952. Located in San Bernardino County, it is approximately 55 miles east of Los Angeles. In 2008, Best Life magazine named Fontana the 24th best place to raise a family in the United States and named the 5th best place to raise a family in the State of California. The City of Fontana offers a plethora of recreation and activities including several local parks and recreational programs. Additionally, the Lewis Library and Technology Center offers top notch library amenities.

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The Magnificence of The Lewis Library and Technology Center in Fontana, CA

The Lewis Library and Technology Center located at 8437 Sierra Ave., Fontana CA in the Fontana Civic Center is by far one of the most magnificent libraries in the Inland Empire. The craftsmanship is simply beautiful with its intricate carved wood designs in both the bookshelves and the chairs. And they didn’t name it the Technology Center for nothing. There are tons of the latest computers available and the Starbucks located at the entrance doesn’t hurt either. Next time you’re in the area, make it a point to visit this amazing library and technology center.

Video Tours Of Fontana and Lewis Library and Technology Center

Note- Lewis Library video was made several years ago. I am now with Kasi Homes