Lately, I have been thinking a lot about priorities; my priorities and the priorities of the vast number of people that I come into contact with on a daily basis. So often, I will sit down to consult with clients on their life vision and their dreams as it pertains to real estate only to find out that these vision and dreams are severely skewed by the very things that are being made the immediate priority. When priorities do not match the dream and the vision, it creates a serious stumbling block. Helping people reach an amount of clarity in this vein can be difficult.
Most clients who sit down with me to discuss purchasing a piece of real estate can verbalize what type of home they want but are not always financially in the right position to purchase such a home. The real dilemma comes when we take a look at how to achieve the stated goal and set some practical everyday tools in place. This is where a person’s priorities will really provide evidence as to just how motivated they really are to achieve the stated goals that will build their future. The person who sits down and states that they can not save money for a downpayment on their home because they enjoy shopping or eating at restaurants far too much is in essence making a statement about their priorities. These priorities can make or break the ability to achieve the goal. This not only applies to buying real estate but anything in life. Whether it be weight management, money management, careers, family commitments, etc. the truth is that your priorities show through in what you choose to do on a regular basis. If you have a sincere goal, it’s time to sit down and be honest with yourself about your real priorities. You may find that those priorities are the only thing standing between you, your dream and your future.
“Action expresses priorities.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
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