How Do I Use A Homestead for My Fontana CA Home?
A homestead is used to limit the amount of liability for certain debts by unsecured creditors against which a home can be used to satisfy a judgment. It will not, however, protect a homeowner from foreclosure on a trust deed, mechanic’s lien, real property taxes or a lien filed prior to the filing of the homestead. A properly recorded homestead will protect the first $75,000 of a home’s value to satisfy a judgment against a head of household.
In order the take advantage of a homestead, a Fontana CA homeowner would file a declaration of homestead. This declaration for the County of San Bernardino can be found at the County of San Bernardino website. Fontana CA homeowners should double check at all times to ensure that this is the most current information available with the County of San Bernardino.
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