Many buyers do not understand what a Realtors business entails. A simple analogy of this may help the average buyer understand why I must decline an offer to be one of many Realtors to work for them in a simultaneous fashion. Take a moment and think about what you do for a living. Really it does not matter what you do. Just imagine that you are ready to work and someone comes to you and says, “Hey I have two or three other people who are also going to do the same job. I want you to show up everyday, give it your all and then whoever finishes the job first is the one who will get paid.”
What would you say? Would you agree to come to work each day in hopes of a pay day? You have to also factor in that you are going to spend hours on this job everyday and must pay for gas to get to work, utilize time to do the job, possibly pay for supplies and then not only is it a possibility that you won’t get paid but that you will have expenses that you will not be reimbursed for either. In essence, it costs you to go to work everyday and you have no guarantee that you will ever get paid.
Hmmm…does this sound like a job you’re ready to jump at? Have you ever watched a hamster on a wheel? They run and run with no place to go and eventually stop running at all. That is pretty much what happens when a home buyer wants to hedge their bets by utilizing several Realtors at once. I don’t think I make a very good hamster on the wheel.
For me, it is a matter of evaluating what helps me serve my clients best and what makes the most business sense. I am better able to serve a smaller group of committed individuals who are equally committed to building a business relationship with me than I am able to enter a lotto pool for several non-committed individuals and pray that my lucky number hits. Once we establish what goals the clients are looking to achieve and the fact that I am equipped and ready to assist them, then a joint agreement is entered that we will work to achieve the desired goal together. Giving 120% to clients is a joy when there is a mutual commitment. Oh and just to be clear, I still may also work with committed individuals and never get paid. Why? Because I am only paid if my clients actually buy or sell a home. There are times when for numerous reasons this just doesn’t happen. This is a known risk of the business. So you see, a Realtor such as myself, already must factor in a percentage of expenditures that are not reimbursed. But running on the hamster’s wheel indefinitely just doesn’t interest me nor does it serve the better interest of my clients at large.
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