Even though pink fishnets may not be your style, you better find a way to stand out. Standing out in a positive way will not only help sell your home, it will help you get top dollar.
While at a local amusement park recently, I spotted such a young lady. My first thought was, “Did her mother see her leave the house in pink fishnet stockings and shorts?” There were hundreds, if not thousands of people at this amusement park. Yet, I noticed her repeatedly throughout my full eight hour plus day. Why? Because she stood out amongst the crowd.
This is exactly what every seller who hopes to sell fast and garner top dollar should do. No, I am not suggesting you run out to get pink fishnet stockings! Home buyers tour several homes in a day. At the end of the day if they can’t remember yours, I can guarantee that they won’t be making an offer on your home.
Take a moment and look around your home or better yet have a friend do this for you. Now ask:
1. What are people noticing when they take a quick tour?
2. Is this feature that people are noticing a “positive” feature?
3. Will this feature cause buyers to want to buy my home?
A little time spent now creating “stand out memories” will save you countless days of marketing time and increase the amount of money you ultimately put in your pocket. Time spent now equals less headache and more money!
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